Lutgo changes its company name

The trusted recruitment company in Aalsmeer is changing its company name in September to Lutgo HR. This stands in full for Lutgo Horticultural Recruitment. This name is like a breath of fresh air to the company.

The recruitment bureau is also getting a new image, a completely new website and the systems are being updated, said a partner of Lutgo HR. The company will also become more active on social media channels to become more visible to candidates.

At the end of the year the new Lutgo HR will be fully launched. You will find the company on


Logo Lutgo HR
Nieuw logo Lutgo HR
About Lutgo HR

Lutgo HR helps those searching for work find their next step in their career. They also have roles for newcomers on the job market. The consultants are constantly looking for the best match between vacancies and candidates. They work therefore on behalf of both the employee and employer. Candidates can use the services of a consultant giving advice and job searching for free.

The consultants work to get the best result by translating the company, the vacancy and the work to the right candidate. The speak the language of the sector, but always pay attention to the needs, desires and possibilities of the presented candidates. Through using a personally developed system of recruitment Lutgo HR ensures that the best man or woman is placed in the right position for further development within horticulture, specifically the flowers and plants sector. Lutgo HR invests in the continued development of people to strengthen businesses further. This is much more than presenting the right candidate. It is more the search for a good match between position and candidate, with a successful career as the result.